Donation Details
Individual / Green Team / Team
50km & 25km
Registration fee
Minimum Donation
Registration fee
Minimum Donation
Male / Female
HK$300 / Person1
HK$900 / Person1
HK$200 / Person1
HK$600 / Person1
Green Team
HK$700 / Team
HK$2,100 / Team
HK$400 / Team
HK$1,400 / Team
1The registration fee and minimum donation for full-time students in these categories is HK$200 and HK$500 respectively. (Please attach a copy of the student ID card)
  • Tax-deductible receipts will only be issued to those upon request with donations of HK$100 or over. Please fill and submit the “Sponsorship Form” if tax- deductible receipts is needed.

Early Bird Discount

Register by 31st October 2024, you can enjoy a registration fee discount.

  • Male/Female/Team:$100 off per person
  • Green Team: $200 off per person
Minimum Donation
Aviation and Airport Services Cup
HK$12,000 / Team
Bank Cup
Corporation / Organisation Cup
Medical Services Cup
Property Management Cup